
The latest Transition Black Isle news can be found below.

Covid-19 - Local and national information,  previously displayed as a News item, is now available on the  Coronavirus recovery  page.

Ferintosh CC community bus consultation

06 September 2020

Bruce Morrison, Ferintosh Community Council Secretary, writes Attached is a consultation paper on what we hope you will think is an interesting new way of providing access for you to public and com...
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Black Isle Partnership Fifth Bulletin out now

24 August 2020

The latest issue includes an update on the work of BIP's recovery strategy group by Jon Palmer, an article 'Lockdown, Walking and a New map'  by Julian Paren, and a report b...
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New TBI Active Travel Map published

18 August 2020

TBI director Julian Paren has been working hard supervising the preparation of the new map, which is now printed and ready for distribution.  Julian writes An updated Third Edition of the...
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Highland Good Food Conversation launched

16 August 2020

How do we get more local, sustainable food on local dinner plates? This is the question the Highland Good Food Conversation plans to explore, and then inspire the necessary action.&...
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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.