Munlochy junction

November 2022

Safety improvements at Munlochy junction

Bruce Morrison, Secretary of Ferintosh Community Council, has drawn attention to a Highland Council media release on imminent further improvement works at Munlochy junction

A9/B9161 MUNLOCHY JUNCTION IMPROVEMENTS                 November 2022

Works begin on Sunday 20th November

Right turn from B9161 to A9 will be prohibited for safety

Essential safety improvements will get underway at the A9/B9161 junction at Munlochy on the night of Sunday 20th November 2022.

On behalf of Transport Scotland, BEAR Scotland will be carrying out works to prohibit the right turn manoeuvre northwards from the B9161 road onto the A9 northbound carriageway to Tore. Highland Council have made a legal order to prohibit this manoeuvre, which comes into force on 21 November.

Read the full media release


December 2021

Second stage appraisal published by Transport Scotland

Following publication of the Initial Appraisal (Case for Change) and Public Consultation reports in March and October, respectively, the Part 1 Appraisal Report is now available on Transport Scotland’s website. 

This 202 page report by consultants WSP is the third stage of the grotesquely bloated appraisal process being conducted to consider road safety improvements at the junction and extending to Tore roundabout, in response to local concerns expressed over several years.  In effect it reduces the long list of options put forward by the Case for Change report to a shorter list which will go forward to the next stage of detailed appraisal.  After that, perhaps, something serious might actually be done.

A small positive step is that lighting is currently being installed at the junction - an option which does not seem to be iincluded in the list considered by this report.

WSP consultants were paid £48,646.68 from public funds for the Case for Change report, and no doubt will receive similar if not greater sums for this and the final stage of the appraisal process.

The need for action is emphasised by the recent fatal accident reported below.

Report as PDF file

December 2021

Double fatality at Munlochy junction

An 86 year old woman died in hospital following a collision between two cars at the A9 Munlochy junction on 19 November.  An 86 year old man who was a passenger in the same car, died of his injuries on 4 December.


Earlier content on this topic has been archived


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