Renewable sources
*February 2025
Local wind farm developments
Cnoc Ceislein, Evanton
A proposal by RWE to erect up to 20 250m wind turbines on Cnoc Ceislein is attracting attention because of concerns about likely detrimental effects on the appeal of the popular and accessible viewpoint and folly on nearby Cnoc Fyrish, as well as adverse light and sound effects for nearby residents.
Highland Council planning Scoping application and decision
Novar repowering
Nadara is proposing to 'repower' the Novar 1 wind farm at the head of Glen Glass to the north of Cnoc Ceislein,replacing the 34 existing turbines with up to ten much larger turbines with a tip height of 180m. Nadara is hosting public exhibitions to explain the proposals in Evanton, Ardross and Alness at the beginning of March
Nadara website project page Very little detail
Energy Consents Unit Scoping application
Exhibition details See the Events calendar for 4 and 5 March
Major pumped storage scheme proposed at Laggan
There is a proposal at pre planning stage to create the biggest pumped storage scheme in the UK on the Ardverikie Estate at Laggan, damming and raising the levels of the two Lochan na h- Earbas beneath Binnien Shuas and Binnien Shios by 20m to make one larger loch and also raising the level of Loch a’ Bhealaich Leamhain below Beinn a Chlacher and Creag Ptridh by 65m.
From the developer's website
The Earba PSH project will store up to 40,000MWh of energy which will make it the largest such scheme in the UK in terms of energy stored. The impressive generation capacity and energy storage figures are matched by the site characteristics which are ideal for a pumped storage hydro project. This includes the geology and topography around the existing lochs which are natural ‘bowl’ shapes, and therefore allow straightforward modification to form upper and lower reservoirs which will blend sensitively into the local landscape. The National Grid transmission network is in close proximity to the site and there is excellent existing road access.
September 2023
No bids for offshore wind in government auction
BBC News 9 September 2023 Michael Race Business reporter
No new offshore wind project contracts have been bought by developers at a key government auction, dealing a blow to the UK's renewable power strategy.
Results showed no bids for new offshore wind farms, but there were deals for solar, tidal and onshore wind projects.
Firms have argued the price set for electricity generated was too low to make offshore wind projects viable.
August 2023
Wind farms on Skye
From Skye Climate Action August newsletter
Most people recognise that wind power is an important element of building green energy capacity and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 10 wind farm projects and over 140 turbines (some over 200 m high) are planned for Skye over the next 5-7 years. If the full capacity is delivered, Skye will produce enough electricity for export to supply almost 940,000 households.
The West Highland Free Press's recent report focussed on the level of wind farm payouts to communities, and there are also concerns about impacts on roads, tourism, migrating and resident birds, and peat reserves.
The scale of proposed wind farm development and industrialisation of the Skye landscape is leading to calls for a coordinated approach on wind development across the island, fairer outcomes for local communities, and a more effective model of delivering clean energy to Skye that does genuinely provide local benefit.
A website has been set up by Faye MacLeod as a centralised information point for islanders to obtain information on the bigger picture.
July 2023
Wind farm proposals around Ben Wyvis
Ferintosh Community Council has drawn attention to two wind farm proposals in the foothills of Ben Wyvis.
This is a planning application for a site to the south east of Ben Wyvis between Glen Glass and Abhain Sgitheach, to the north of Tulloch Hill behind Dingwall. The application is for 13 turbines with a maximum blade tip height of 150m.
(If these show as 'unavailable', you can find them on the 'documents' tab of the main ePlanning page via the main link above).
Carn Fearna, Little Wyvis
This proposal is at a stage prior to the lodging of a planning application, and seeks opinions on a 'scoping report' relating to a likely future application for 14 turbines with a tip height of 200m on the south west slopes of Little Wyvis.
The FCC email states We are being asked whether the proposed Scoping Report contains the sort of questions and demands for the developer to address when the developer eventually brings forward an Environmental Impact Assessment as part of a planning application.
Existing and proposed wind farms around Ben Wyvis
May 2023 SPICe Spotlight report
Wind energy in Scotland: current position and future plans
This article from the Scottish Parliament Information Centre sets out the background to wind energy development in Scotland, the details of the recent ScotWind seabed leasing agreements and how the Scottish wind energy sector may develop in the future. It is linked to a forthcoming article on wind energy, economic impacts and the Scottish supply chain.
May 2023 SPICe Spotlight report
Economic and supply chain impacts of wind energy in Scotland
Following on from the previous article on the current state of, and future plans for, wind energy in Scotland, this post provides details on some of the issues around the supply chain and the economic impacts from wind energy deployment in Scotland.
May 2022
Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm
(information from Planet Sutherland May 2022)
If you have questions regarding the project or would like to receive updates, you can contact to be added to the mailing list.
Foundation Scotland has been contracted to carry out a consultation on a proposed community benefit fund for the Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm. The consultation is being carried out through an online survey which is currently available at:
Please feel free to circulate this within your members or to other interested persons/groups.
In addition, we are hosting a series of online group sessions or individual one on one discussions in order to understand local preferences about the kinds of projects or activities that the Fund may support, and how the Fund may operate. If you would like to be involved in the virtual or one-to-one discussion you can contact myself on telephone 07801 530 218 or by email at
January 2022
Prospect of 25 GW more renewable energy from auction of offshore wind licenses
The Scottish government has awarded 25 gigawatts of offshore wind project development rights, more than double the UK’s existing offshore wind capacity, in one of the biggest auctions of its kind in the world.
More than half the projects, with a total capacity of 13GW, will use “floating” wind turbines, the first time that this technology, which is tethered to the seabed, will be deployed commercially at a large scale.
Financial Times 17 January Nathalie Thomas and Leslie Hook
First Minister hails “truly historic” opportunity
Details of the bids from Crown Estate Scotland
October 2021
Big Solar Co-op
The Big Solar Co-op is a new approach to subsidy-free community solar, supported by Sharenergy. We’re working across the UK to:
Make solar viable on a huge range of sites – without subsidy
Empower and support volunteers to work together to get it built
Fight the climate crisis through large-scale, grassroots community action
Learn more about how you can get involved or read about the Big Solar Co-op vision and the need for the project.
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- Saturday 29 March
- 10:00 North Kessock Community Market
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- 19:15 TBI trustees meeting
- Friday 4 April
- 09:30 Allangrange workshop - Introduction to biodynamic growing
- 16:00 Culbokie Green - Toilets and Potting Shed preview
- Monday 7 April
- 14:00 Highland Community Led Local Development Fund Briefing
- Saturday 12 April
- 10:30 Cromarty Community Market
- Saturday 19 April
- 10:00 Cukbokie Community Market
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