Cycling UK

From the website                           

Cycling UK’s vision is of a healthier, happier and cleaner world, because more people cycle.

We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle safely, easily and enjoyably.

Cycling UK has championed the cause of cycling for almost 140 years. We promote all forms of cycling, protect the interests of existing and would-be cyclists, and inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to discover the joys of cycling.

As an independent, democratic and expert organisation, our activities reflect the commitment of our members, volunteers and partners to make cycling mainstream, making a lasting difference to the lives of individuals and communities.


November 2020

Cycling UK contacts updated

Fiona Johnston is Senior North Area Project Officer, and main contact for Cycling UK in the Highlands.

Twitter: @BBRScotNorth

There are also several project-based Development Officers, including Amanda Wagstaffe
Mobile:  07833 938938



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