Ferintosh CC 'Noticeboard'

The 'Noticeboard' used to be a printed news sheet distributed by hand by volunteers around the community council area.  Since the introduction of Covid-19 restrictions it has been upgraded with colour and pictures and is now distributed electronically by email as a PDF file.  'Noticeboard' has been edited for some time by Eilidh Richmond, but after the August 2022 issue the editorship will be taken over by Becky Richmond.

Noticeboard 81   October 2023

Noticeboard 80   June 2023

Noticeboard 79   May 2023

Noticeboard 78   March 2023

Noticeboard 77   November 2022







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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.