A Million Miles Better! 2012-15

Our Million Miles project, which ran from 2012 to 2015, aimed to reduce car journeys on the Black Isle by one percent a year - equivalent to roughly one million miles.  In fact we exceeded our target by 30%. We focused on three areas:

i) encouraging greener car travel (promoting lift-sharing and offering fuel efficiency training)

ii) improving access to public transport (through campaigns and events)

iii) increasing cycling rates (through cycle training  We're also promoting community mapping to highlight active travel routes on the Black Isle (last meeting on Thursday 2nd October).

The Million Miles project was funded to the tune of £194,741 over three years from the Scottish Government's Climate Challenge Fund, which aims to empower communities across Scotland to cut carbon pollution.

Heading up the team were project officers Peter Elbourne and Marion McDonald. In addition, a group of community cycle trainers were recruited to support and encourage people across the Black Isle to get on two wheels.

A comprehensive  final report (.pdf 56 pages) on the Million Miles project is now available and a summary of the main outcomes is available here.

As part of a 'Live Better Challenge' project funded by Unilever, in September 2014 the Guardian published an article by Maxine Perella headlined 'The carbon-cutting transport scheme helping the Black Isle go green'.


Cycle Routes Blackisle.
Highland Liftshare. Sign up for free now

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.