
May 2022

Martin has drawn attention to what he describes as a wonderful new resource - a community composting guide produced by Zero Waste Scotland and Highland Council, with the additional involvement of the Highland Good Food Partnership and the Highland Community Waste Partnership.

The preamble to the guide notes

This resource has been created for communities in the Highlands that are interested in starting or further developing community composting projects.

You will find a step-by-step Decision-Making Guide to help you get going or to develop your project, as well as links to help, information on legal requirements, and much more.

Before undertaking any project you should consult with the regulators SEPA and/or the Animal and Plant Health Agency to ensure that your project complies with legal requirements.

Zero Waste Scotland Guide

The Highland Community Waste Partnership has also produced a Composting Guide as a .PDF file

and a brief guide, also as a .PDF file has benn produced by the Glen Urquhart and Strathglass community group Soirbheas.


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