TBI Growing Guide 

This guide has been written by local expert Sheila Wickens, with additional contributors, with specific reference to growing conditions in the north of Scotland - no more frustratingly unhelpful information relevant to the south of England.

July 2023  The Grow North Growing Guide Reprint

Owing to popular demand we have now reprinted our growing guide and will endeavour to get copies to those who were waiting. This reprint was more expensive than the previous one, so we are now selling it for £12.  It contains 140 pages of excellent advice on all aspects of growing fruit and vegetables in North Scotland, covering land, seeds, growing, harvesting, storing and much more.   A boon for every household!!!  It is available at North Kessock and Cromarty Markets and we can post to you (p &p extra).  Email us at

The links below follow the layout of the printed guide, which is available in a convenient spiral bound format for £12.  You will find it on the TBI stall at the markets and other events, or contact Anne at .

0 Full document.pdf

1 Table of Contents (p1-4).pdf
2 Introducing Grow North (p5-11).pdf
3 Planning Your Garden (p12-20).pdf
4 Watering Your Garden (p21-23).pdf
5 Mulching (p24-28).pdf
6 Irrigation Systems and Holiday watering options (p29-30).pdf
7 Feeding your Plants and Home made Fertilisers (p31-33).pdf
8 The Kitchen Garden in Summer (p34).pdf
9 Composting (p35-44).pdf
10 Enjoying your First Garden Produce (p45-49).pdf
11 Preserving your Food - Jams, chutneys, drying and bottling (p50-60).pdf
12 Improving your soil (p61-2).pdf
13 How to Have the Best Producing Winter Vegetable Garden (inc Polytunnels) (p63-68).pdf
14 Notes on Fruit session with Les Bates (p69-75).pdf
15 Notes on Pests, Diseases and Disorders session with Audrey Litterick (p76-82).pdf
16 Sustainability in Gardening ( p83-85).pdf
18 GLOSSARY ( p126-128).pdf
19 Seeds and Seed Saving (p129-145).pdf


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