Welcome for proposed Natural Environment Bill

08 September 2024

Scottish Environment Link 'Scotland loves Nature' campaign

Scottish Environment Link email to supporters 5 September

Yesterday [4 September], First Minister John Swinney announced that his government will set legally binding targets for nature recovery through a Natural Environment Bill to be introduced by June 2025.

This is fantastic news for Scotland’s nature, and it’s thanks to you!  Supporters of the Scotland Loves Nature campaign sent more than 13,000 emails to their MSPs over the past seven weeks, making it clear how important nature is to Scotland’s people. 

Now it’s vital that we keep up the pressure.  As well as setting ambitious targets that will drive action, the Scottish government must put funding in place to help our amazing nature recover.

Nature underpins our food production, supports our economy, and is our first line of defence against climate change.  Investment in nature is investment in our future.

We’ll be in touch soon about the next steps for the campaign. Meanwhile, have a look at the videos we’ve made with people across Scotland talking about why they love Scotland’s nature, from meadows to mountains to our unique coasts and seas.

Watch our videos

The Scotland Loves Nature campaign was launched by members of Scottish Environment LINK and is backed by more than 40 organisations.

More cautious welcome from RSPB

RSPB 'Scottish Nature Notes'  6 September 2024

RSPB Scotland has heralded the inclusion of a Natural Environment Bill within this Programme for Government. This game-changing piece of legislation will allow the Scottish Government to set legally binding targets to halt and reverse nature’s decline. In doing so, this government can step up efforts to address the nature crisis and to regenerate biodiversity. Establishing these targets will also help to mainstream the protection and enhancement of the natural environment, holding current and future governments to account to deliver for nature. 


The latest State of Nature report revealed that 1 in 9 Scottish species now face the risk of extinction, and globally Scotland ranks in the bottom 25% of nations in terms of its biodiversity intactness.  
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the Scottish Government fall short on action to restore peatlands and to guarantee a right to a healthy environment. 
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a commitment to restore just 10,000 hectares of peatland over the next year falls significantly short of what is required. Without a step-change in ambition, the Scottish Government’s 2030 target will be missed by a large margin.
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Plans to introduce a Human Rights Bill – which would include a right to a healthy environment – have also been abandoned by this government. 


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.