
The latest Transition Black Isle news can be found below.

Covid-19 - Local and national information,  previously displayed as a News item, is now available on the  Coronavirus recovery  page.

Committee condemns UK Government for net zero targets failure

28 June 2023

The UK Climate Change Committee, in the last Report to Parliament to be presented by the retiring Chairman Lord Deben, condemns the government for  failing to come anywhere near reaching its net ...
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Transport Committee's Ferries report published

26 June 2023

The Scottish Parliament's Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee published its report, A Modern and Sustainable Ferry Service for Scotland, on 26 June.  The government's news ...
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New Community Asset Transfer bid for Raddery House and wood

02 June 2023

Update Raddery House limited is consulting with communities on its plans for Raddery House.  As part of this process Bev Smith and Douglas Stuart will explain their project at a meetin...
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Success for pension fund divestment campaign

18 May 2023

Two years ago TBI supported a campaign led by Highland Palestine aimed at persuading the council to divest ffom its pension fund's holding in the American armaments manufacturer General Dynamics -...
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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.