Rosebank oil field decision delayed over climate concerns

11 July 2023

The Herald  11 July   David Boll      Political Correspondent

A decision to grant permission to open up the controversial Rosebank oil field is now expected to be delayed.

The UK Government’s North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) was expected to imminently determine whether the fossil fuels project should be given the green light.

But a decision is now not expected until after the UK Parliament returns from summer recess.

If approved, Rosebank would be the UK’s largest untapped oil field.

The UK Government has pledged to open up the North Sea to more fossil fuels projects, despite a flurry of warnings from the UN, the International Energy Agency and climate scientists.

Read the full Herald article

P&J article by Alex Armitage, Scottish Greens councillor for South Shetland

Read more about Rosebank at  Energy / No more Fossil Fuels


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