
The latest Transition Black Isle news can be found below.

Covid-19 - Local and national information,  previously displayed as a News item, is now available on the  Coronavirus recovery  page.

JOB OPPORTUNITY - Transition Together Just Transition Lead

17 August 2023

Transition Together, the UK Transition network, is recruiting for a 1 year home based post of Just Transition Lead.  The job is for three days a week at a salary of £23,677. Could you be...
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John Muir Trust campaigns for Carbon Emissions Land Tax

16 August 2023

Thomas Widrow, campaigns manager for the John Muir Trust, has emailed I am contacting you because as an organisation member of the Scottish Climate Action Network, I believe you will be intere...
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Greenpeace - 'Government failing UK on climate'

10 August 2023

The Guardian  10 August 2023    Emily Dugan Rishi Sunak’s government will “go down in history” as the administration that failed the UK on the climate crisis while ...
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CLOSES 1 SEPTEMBER Consultation on Circular Economy bill

04 August 2023

Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill introduced The Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee is seeking your views on the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill, which was introduced by the Scottis...
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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.