Excellent articles in SCA newsletter - again

14 September 2023

The introduction to the latest newsletter, by editor Angus Hardie, has some interesting reflections on ageism, as well as the usual clutch of interesting articles.  This really is a must-read bulletin, or if you are pressed for time at least scan the headers for items of interest.

Scottish Community Alliance  website

What is now the previous newsletter  has articles on

  • Democracy Matters - A Scottish Government consultation open until February 2024 on how power and resources should be shared between national and local government
  • The possible re-establishment of an umbrella body for Scottish community Councils
  • An article by George Monbiot about 'speaking truth to power' and how power in this country actually works
  • News of the Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament, meeting in Fort William over 1-3 November
  • An article about the complicated procedures involved in Community Asset Transfers, based on the experience of Knocknagael Ltd. in taking over part of Scottish Government-owned Knocknagael Farm near Inverness
  • A video on Running a Network, by The Coastal Communities Network, and
  • The pros and cons of 'nudge theory' in the field of political persuasion 

The SCA newsletters, edited by Angus Hardie, are always an interesting and worthwhile read, and the latest and previous issues can always be found under the News tab on the menu.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.