GALE acquires The Shieling for a Community Hub

14 May 2024

Gairloch and Loch Ewe Action Forum (GALE), which already runs the GALE Centre in Gairloch, has acquired the nearby former Sheiling restaurant for use as a community hub.

Read the GALE blog about the purchase

The acquisition of additional premises by GALE prompts the reflection that many successful community organisations have premises or a base of some kind where their activities can be centred and which acts as a visible reminder of their presence,  providing a meeting space for all kinds of activities as well as perhaps a cafe or swap shop.

Is this something TBI should aspire to?  Owing to TBI's remit covering the whole of the Black Isle, there are obvious difficulties concerning where any such centre might be located and how to make it feel equally relevant to members and supporters in all parts of the area.  Gale's purchase of the Sheiling prompts thoughts of the still empty Fortrose cafe.  Some kind of community hub is envisaged in ROGS' outline plans for land near the care home in Fortrose, but any development here will be some way in the future.

If you have any thoughts on this topic please email us at


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.