Too much to read? - heavyweight reports proliferate

09 October 2023

Sometimes one senses a danger of being overwhelmed by the number of earnest and no doubt important - but long - reports from serious and well-regarded organisations on topics such as biodiversity and climate change, and despairs of ever finding time to read them in their entirety. Here are two recent reports for bedtime reading

State of Nature Partnership, led by the RSPB
'State of Nature 2023'  report    More at  Environment / Biodiversity

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland
'Climate Manifesto for Scotland'   See  Climate change / Scottish policy

A slightly more readable report from Adaptation Scotland  (58pp PDF) explores the relationship between Scotland’s resilience to climate change impacts and the ways in which land is used and owned.

More at  Climate Change / Adaptation


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.