Community Council elections

30 August 2023

Highland Council's elections team has sent out preliminary guidance for the community council elections due to take place in November.

From: CC Elections  
Sent: 31 August 2023 11:59
Subject: Community Council Election Nominations Alert 

I attach a copy of the notice of Election that will be published on Monday 4 September 2023 on the Council’s web-site at 

Candidates wishing to put themselves forward as a Community Council Member need to self-nominate themselves by completing the online form that will be available on our website.  It’s simple and should take only approximately 5 minutes to complete, all they have to do is submit their contact details, name of community council they wish to represent, confirm they are eligible and provide their electoral number.  In order for the Candidate to obtain their electoral number, this can be done by them completing the electoral number request form or it is available from the Electoral Registration Office by emailing or telephoning 0800 393783. 

The cut of date for submitting an online form is 12noon on Tuesday 3 October 2023 and published thereafter by Wednesday 4 October 2023 will be the statements of persons nominated on the community council elections webpage.   

The Elections Team or Ward Managers are available to assist anyone that has difficulty accessing or completing the online form by emailing or telephoning 01349 886657.

We want to have all our 156 Community Councils formed so please share and use our resources toolkit to download posters, leaflets or share messages on social media that may useful to notify local residents about Community Council elections.

To encourage participation, some of the Council Fleet vehicles will be driving around the highlands with our magnetic signage on display as per sample below and we will be issuing press releases and sending out key messages on social media.  

Candidates will have up until 12noon on Tuesday 10 October 2023 if they wish to withdraw their candidacy and ballot papers will be posted put on Tuesday 31 October 2023 for any that require to be contested.

Existing Community Councils must be dissolved by 11.59pm on the key dates listed below.
•uncontested on Tuesday 10 October 2023  
•contested on Monday 27 November 2023

Kind Regards
The Highland Councils Election Team

Tel       01349 886657


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.