NHS consultation on Adult Services Plan

01 August 2023

Ferintosh Community Council has drawn attention to this NHS Highland consultation

Consultation on Highland Health and Social Care Partnership Joint Strategic Plan for Adult Services

NHS Highland and the Highland Council are consulting on the Strategic Plan for Adult Services 2024-27. This is the strategic plan for the delivery of integrated health and adult social care services in the region covered by the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership.

You can read the plan and view a video summary on the NHS Highland website.

Please complete this survey to give your thoughts on the plan. The consultation is open until 30 September. Prefer to fill in a printed copy? Email nhsh.pmoadmin.nhs.scot and we will send you a paper version.

Highland Health and Social Care Partnership.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.