Greenpeace - 'Government failing UK on climate'

10 August 2023

The Guardian  10 August 2023    Emily Dugan

Rishi Sunak’s government will “go down in history” as the administration that failed the UK on the climate crisis while ministers pursued a dangerous culture war, the heads of Greenpeace have said.

The charity’s joint executive directors described government briefings against the organisation in the wake of its oil protest at the prime minister’s Yorkshire home as “really dark stuff”, which revealed a worrying trend towards exploiting environmental protests as a wedge issue.

In an interview with the Guardian, Areeba Hamid and Will McCallum said an “unprecedented” move to block the organisation’s policy experts from advising civil servants could have disastrous consequences for environmental policy.

Read the article

Greenpeace leaders' open letter to PM  
The Guardian  10 August 2023   Areeba Hamid and Will McCallum


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