Press coverage of Active Travel Link

04 March 2021

The proposed Avoch to Munlochy and Drumderfit Active Travel Link, on which a public consultation is now in progress, has featured in articles in the local press. 

Ross-shire Journal   1 March   Louise Glen

Transition Black Isle (TBI) wants to hear views on a proposed route between the two Black Isle settlements in order to make it easier for people walking or wheeling for work or pleasure.
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TBI director Anne Thomas said: "We’re delighted that the public will be able to see plans for this transformative active travel link, attend our virtual consultation events and feedback what they think and we urge them to respond to the consultation to strengthen our evidence for local support.”

Press & Journal   6 March  2021   Louise Henderson

Transition Black Isle (TBI) are striving to improve road safety on the A832 between Munlochy and Avoch with the creation of a pedestrian and cycle path.

The walkway would make it more accessible for people or all ages and abilities to travel on foot, bike, wheelchair, mobility scooter or with a pram between the rural villages.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.