Gardeners! - Seeds, Compost and Onion sets available in Dingwall

22 April 2020

In the face of what is apparently a general shortage of seeds and compost in the shops, Lesley points out that Macdonalds Hardware in Dingwall have stocks of both, as well as onion sets.  Macdonalds have been very generous in donating seeds for our Seed Swap activities, so it would be good to give them your custom if you  are looking for any of these items.  They are currently open with reduced hours on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10 - 1.

If you missed Potato day we still have seed tatties available.  Go to Food & Growing / Food & Growing for details.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.