
The latest Transition Black Isle news can be found below.

Covid-19 - Local and national information,  previously displayed as a News item, is now available on the  Coronavirus recovery  page.

HC Waste Partnership report for TBI AGM

19 October 2023

Laura Donnelly, one of TBI's Project Officers for the Highland Community Waste Partnership, has prepared an annual report of HCWP's activities, as a Powerpoint presentation to coincide with TB...
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Too much to read? - heavyweight reports proliferate

09 October 2023

Sometimes one senses a danger of being overwhelmed by the number of earnest and no doubt important - but long - reports from serious and well-regarded organisations on topics such as biodiversity and ...
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New BI Community Councils formed

03 October 2023

Following the recently closed  nomination process for community council elections (if required) in November, of the nine Black Isle community councils, including Muir of Ord and Conon Bridge...
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Rosebank oil field approved by UK authority

02 October 2023

The Uk Government's North Sea Transition Authority last week gave the go-ahead for the development of the Rosebank oilfield 80 miles west of Shetland to Norwegian energy giant Equinor and its...
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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.