
The latest Transition Black Isle news can be found below.

Covid-19 - Local and national information,  previously displayed as a News item, is now available on the  Coronavirus recovery  page.

Extinction Rebellion on Trial

18 January 2020

In the London Review of Books blog on 16 January, Lorna Scott Fox writes about the trials of Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested durring the April and October demonstrations in London, which have...
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Trump and Greta at Davos

11 January 2020

Donald Trump and Greta Thunberg are attending the current meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos, and both made speeches today. The Guardian    21 January 2020  Grae...
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Newsletters from other groups

10 January 2020

We have recently received January newsletters from various local and national groups hose aims and activities are relevant to those of TBI.  The groups, and where to find their newsletters, are ...
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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.