March Members Meeting to Focus on new Transport Project

23 March 2012

 The Members Meeting for March will be focussed around transport and has not been organized far ahead because we were unsure how our bid would fare with the Climate Challenge Fund. Our proposal is that we should get together socially on Monday March 26 in the Station Hotel, Avoch at 7.30pm.

We hope all who come will consider how low a carbon impact their journey to the meeting need be. Could you walk? Could you cycle there? Could you car‐share to make the meeting?
Could you arrive by public transport (yes possibly, but get home afterwards must be a near impossible task for everybody). In thinking out what is involved in NOT getting a car out, we can mentally join those who for one reason or another are not allowed to drive or do not have a car. At the meeting we can discuss our own transport views, and we will outline how the Transport Black Isle project is conceived with the first activities focused in Muir of Ord, North Kessock and Fortrose .

Obviously we would like to draw more people into making the outcome of a million road miles saved a reality. Do talk to neighbours and friends and see if they would be prepared to join us for the next three years at least!neighbours and friends and see if they would be prepared to join us for the next three years at least!

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.