Cromarty market still growing

14 November 2011

 The November Cromarty market on Saturday 12th was another successful event with about 150 people attending as well as stallholders and helpers - despite several local craft fairs competing for customers.  The Cromarty Craft Group provided the lunches and raised over £200.  Such has been the success of the market that the December market is fully booked already and there is now a growing waiting list for tables.  Community groups have been queuing up too to provide lunches, such that every month is now booked through to summer 2012.  We have had to scale back the number of tables slightly because oif concerns over the hall's capacity and fire safety.

Unfortunately this time several stallholders who had made firm bookings cancelled the day before, too late for their spaces to be offered to others on the waiting list.  As a result we are now making it clear that  a booking is a firm commitment to pay for the table booked, and in the event of cancellations a refund will only be made if we are able to re-let the space.

The next market on 10 December will of course be a Christmas special and Cromarty school will be there providing mince pies and seasonal fare.  We are also running a raffle to support the market and keep the cost of stalls down, with excellent prizes donated by stallholders.  Tickets went on sale on 12th November and are also available at Cromarty Post Office for the next month - so why not buy a strip and support us?!  The draw will be at the December market so the event will be un-missable for that reason alone!

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.