Keep Scotland Beautiful - find out more

30 June 2017

Find out more about the body which initiated, among other things, the 'One Planet Picnic' theme which inspired the very successful picnic organised by the 2050 Climate Group in Cromarty last Saturday.

This is what they say about themselves on their website

We are the charity that campaigns, acts and educates on a range of local, national and global issues to change behaviour and improve the quality of people’s lives and the places they care for.

We are leading the way on improving Scotland’s environment, tackling a wide range of environmental issues, from reducing the amount of litter on our streets to cutting the carbon emissions that threaten our planet.

Having been part of the environmental landscape for over 50 years, we draw together government, local authorities, businesses, community groups and individuals in this common cause.  We are present in every village, town, and city in Scotland, and our activities are estimated to make a difference to 1 in 5 people living in Scotland.

Through our work we aim to help people to change the way they think about the environment and encourage them to take action to improve and protect it. Our goal is to make Scotland a cleaner, greener and more sustainable place to live, work and visit.

In order to achieve the change we need, the whole country needs to work together. As a key partner for individuals and communities, local and central government, third sector organisations and private sector businesses, we are at the heart of that effort.

Our vision: A clean, green sustainable Scotland where people are engaged positively and empowered to take action on local, national and global sustainability issues in order to achieve positive change in behaviour and improve quality of life.

Our mission: Keep Scotland Beautiful is the charity that campaigns, educates and acts on a range of local, national and global sustainability issues.  We work collaboratively to achieve positive change; improving people’s quality of life and environment.

Find out more about our unique spectrum of activities and what we do here.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.