SCCAN December newsletter out now

06 December 2016

The highlight of the latest newsletter from SCCAN (Scottish Communities Climate Action Network) is the announcement of their annual Gathering in Edinburgh on Saturday 4 February, with a social event on the Friday evening.  See the newsletter (link below) for details.

Other items in the newsletter include accounts of community-based initiatives in six European countries; an article on Mull and Iona Community Trust; a progress report on the Scottish Energy Efficiency Programme; and an introduction to MyParkScotland, a crowdfunding site promoting community growing in parks and green spaces.

TBI Convenor Martin Sherring comments:

The SCCAN Gathering on 4th Feb in Edinburgh looks like an excellent event. In addition to the activities noted in the newsletter, Paul Allen from the Centre for Alternative Technology is scheduled to talk about their work on Zero Carbon Britain. Paul is an inspirational speaker and I strongly recommend anyone who is free to attend. One of the workshop sessions will be specifically about Transition Scotland.

The “Portraits from Europe” section talks about a range of community groups across the continent – including TBI.

Read the full newsletter here, where you can also find previous issues.

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.