Community Powerdown meeting in Perth

09 June 2011

 home renewablesMelanie Macrae for Community Powerdown has sent out the following details of a networking event in Perth:

For details and booking download this document


Community Powerdown First Networking Event for Low Carbon Community Projects

We are pleased to announce the first networking event of the Community Energy Scotland’s  Community Powerdown programme to be held in Perth Concert Hall on 22nd/23rd June – see attached details.
Community Powerdown was initially created by Community Energy Scotland and the Development Trust Association Scotland to bring together communities who wished to tackle their carbon emissions by delivering carbon reduction projects both locally in their communities and also collectively through sharing knowledge and expertise.
The programme, now in its second phase will host a series of events, training , workshops on low carbon themes to establish peer support network and partnering of communities, update communities on areas of assistance and support available to them from throughout the third sector, and assist them with technical support related to project delivery with participation from involved communities about topics they wish to explore further or increase their expertise on
This event is open to all communities working to deliver carbon neutral community projects with a small charge of £35 for those who are not a full member of the Community Powerdown network (priority is given to full members for places). Although please note places are limited and booking is essential.
Please note that the event is not 2 full days but rather a day and a half to allow travel time back to your communities.  In the past we have found that this length works best for those coming from longer distances and to make the event worthwhile. We have also attached a list of accommodation providers in the area.  Unfortunately we are unable to subsidise travel costs for this event
All the best for now and please get in touch if you have any queries and please visit the Community Powerdown Website for more information about the network
Melanie MacRae
Development Officer, North Highland &
Community Powerdown Network Coordinator
Direct Dial 01408 635 101
Mobile: 07917 597009
Reception: 01408 634 063

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.