Community gardening and committee making

29 May 2011

Bringing you up-to-date with what is happening at TBI . . .

TBI AGMWe had our AGM and garden party on 21st May at Loch na Mhoid Community Garden hosted by Toni Clark. The garden is looking fantastic with lots of enthusiastic gardeners. The weather was ‘iffy’ but we had a good time all the same.

Wendy Price resigned as Convener at our meeting in April to take a much deserved sabbatical. She promises to be back soon (although not as convener) – after we have proved that we can cope without her at the helm. We couldn’t identify anyone who was willing and able to step into the Convener role so we have agreed to rotate the Convenership for the next year in two month stints with nominations as follows: Agric Hadron (May /June), Penny Edwards , Anne Thomas, Vanessa Halhead, Bob Bull, Maggie Dove. At each change the next in line will be Vice Convener. TBI AGM

This approach was approved at the AGM when, in line with this proposal, we appointed Agric Hadron as Convener and Penny Edwards as Vice Convener for the period to end June.
We also appointed Martin Sherring as Treasurer, Mary Bowers as Membership Secretary and Caroline Vawdrey as Press Officer (Teen Ross stood down as Press Officer due to other commitments but will be able to do more later in the summer). The position of Secretary is still vacant. Contact Penny ( to discuss the role.
We have set up a new company for TBI which also has charitable status. All the activities of the current TBI will be transferred into the new company very soon. At that point we will need to invite all members to rejoin the new company. We have set the annual membership fee at £10 with concessions. This will help us to cover our fixed costs such as insurance, web maintenance and accounts. We intend to continue to operate very much as before. Everyone who has been helping to run the organisation will be invited to be a Director and new people will continue to be welcome. Non directors will be welcome to attend meetings too.
We have organised a training course for all directors on Saturday 3rd September at Glachbeg. This is to ensure that we understand our responsibilities as Directors and Charity Trustees. More information will follow.
We currently have the following sub groups working on various projects: energy (Martin on, food (Agric on, education (Julian on and communications (Maggie on Please get in touch if you’d like to join one of these groups to help. We would also very much like to set up a transport group but need to find someone enthusiastic to get the ball rolling. Would anyone like to arrange an exploratory meeting to discuss this?
A forestry/community woodland group has also been mooted. Ditto.


Cromarty community marketWe launched the new Cromarty Market on 14th May – and it was a big success with 250 people through the doors, 20 stalls and a café run by Cromarty School Parents. Well done John, Maggie and other helpers. This will now be a regular monthly feature (see our calendar) along with our North Kessock Market.
The scything (Austrian scythe) course being organised by Penny Edwards at the end of July is now completely full with 8 enthusiasts raring to go. We will learn about grass cutting, sharpening and haymaking. No more lawnmowers or strimmers for this hardy bunch. If anyone wants to join the embryonic group, let Penny know (
Lots has been going on in Culbokie – not all instigated by TBI but very much in line with our ethos all the same. A ‘timebank’ has been set up - a system by which neighbours can help each other and get help back in return. Jobs done include DIY, mending and polytunnel watering. A new stall at the Culbokie Market has also been set up to sell spare produce from local residents with all the proceeds going back to the community.
We have a number of Smart Meters available for loan. This will give continuous and accumulated readings of your electricity use and help you to understand your electricity use and make savings. Contact Martin for more information ( or go to the TBI stall at the community markets. 
Loch na Mhoid community gardenWe have two Community Gardens at Muir of Ord and Culbokie. Both have polytunnels and a good selection of tools, perfect for anyone who wants to grow their own vegetables but doesn’t have the space – or just likes the idea of a bit of company and support. More details on our website, under the “Food” tab, or contact Agric for Culbokie (Netherton on the website) or Toni for Muir of Ord (Loch na Mhoid).
Our next open meeting will be on 16th June at 7.30 – 9.30 pm at the Hugh Miller Institute, Cromarty. All welcome.

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.