Government overturns Council's rejection of Fracking

03 October 2016

News and views from The Guardian  6 October 2016

"Sajid Javid has overturned Lancashire council’s rejection of a fracking site, paving the way for shale company Cuadrilla to drill in the county next year and provoking outrage from local groups, environmentalists and politicians.
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“Shale gas has the potential to power economic growth, support 64,000 jobs, and provide a new domestic energy source, making us less reliant on imports,” said Javid. “We will take the big decisions that matter to the future of our country as we build an economy that works for everyone, not just the privileged few.”
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Preston New Road Action Group, a local anti-fracking group, said it was “devastated” by the decision. “This is a sad day as it is clear to all that this government neither listens, nor can it be trusted, to do the right thing for local communities. It is deplorable that an industry that has been rejected on every level has inflicted itself on Preston New Road,” said Pat Davies, the group’s chair.
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Greenpeace campaigner Hannah Martin said: “This fudged decision shows the government is struggling to force fracking on a reluctant nation. Fracking will put our countryside and air quality at risk. Digging up more fossil fuels that we can’t burn if we are to honour the international agreement we signed in Paris, and is coming into force next month, makes little economic or environmental sense.”
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Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green party strongly condemned the move. “This decision sets a very dangerous precedent, with the government riding roughshod over the will of the local people,” said the Lib Dem spokesperson, Lynne Featherstone.
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Francis Egan, [Cuadrilla's] CEO, welcomed the government’s decision: “We are very pleased that we can now move ahead with our shale gas exploration plans which will start to create new economic growth opportunities and jobs for people in Lancashire and the UK.”

He added that he was confident the company’s operations would be safe. “We hope this will reassure the minority of people whom remain sceptical about shale gas exploration. This news has given Lancashire a big vote of confidence in its economic and energy future.” "

Read the full story

"UK fracking decision is nothing short of hypocrisy" - Damian Carrington



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