Highland Food Challenge winners

19 April 2011

Black Isle Local Food DirectoryThe proud winner of the 3-month long Highland Food Challenge  and now owner of a Cromarty Pottery teapot and 2 mugs is Carolyn Morrison from Culbokie

The runners up are Roger and Pam Piercy, Penny Edwards and Martin Sherring, Anne Thomas and her family, Freya Manson and Catriona Ross all of whom are now the proud owners of mugs made by Cromarty potter, Barbel Dister.

The aim of the challenge was to source as much of their food supplies from within Highland, as runner up Roger Piercy commented,

'We have moved away from Tesco organic milk and butter in favour of Grahams. [Now] We are certainly more conscious of the contents of labels and more critical of the origins of the contents, plus more suspicious of terms such as 'Processed in'. We eat our own fruit and vegetables and have always bought local meat, either at markets or in Dingwall.'

Another of the runners up, Freya Manson added, 'Being heavily involved in the Highland Food Challenge, and also in organising the North Kessock Market over the past year, I felt I had a pretty good grip on eating a local and sustainable diet.  However, participating in the challenge has really focused us as a household on what we can do better.  

We're fortunate to have some brilliant suppliers here on the Black Isle and by actively seeking out their produce at the markets and in local shops, I've found that this way of eating is not only good for community resilience and the environment, but it's also great for your social life too!  I've made some wonderful friends by taking part in the Food Challenge and am happy to be able to put faces to the names behind the food on our plate.  The competition may have finished, but I'm sure our support for local producers will continue well into the future.'

If you'd like some ideas on where you can buy good local food download the Black Isle Local Food directory here. There's also lots of food challenge recipe ideas to inspire your home-cooking.

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.