Ideas Wanted!

14 April 2015

A number of interesting ideas for the development of the website and TBI in general were put forward in the recent website survey, the results of which were posted to the documents library recently (/userfiles/file/website/website survey results mar 2015.doc)

There's a new website forum for extended discussion of these ideas, Ideas for TBI 2015,  so if you didn't get around to responding to the survey, now's your chance to contribute your ideas to the discussion by posting to the forum.  If you did respond, you might want to expand on your original suggestions, or respond to what other people have said.

And don't forget, you can easily set your forum profile so that you get email notification of all posts to the forums you are interested in, so that you know at once when someone has responded to your post or put up a new one.  You can find instructions for this and notes on other aspects of forum use on a recently added Forum / help page.

Among over 140 TBI members and 250 recipients of the newsletter, I am sure there must be people with good ideas for the future of TBI that we haven't yet heard.  So let's get these ideas out into the open on the forum, and see if we can really get this discussion going.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.