22 August 2010

FROM the international spotlight brought by Scotland's Housing Expo to homespun innovation on the Black Isle, the Highlands are becoming renowned for inspiring green living.

Transition Black Isle is putting the final touches to its showcase energy event, an inspiring chance for people to discover how to green their daily lives.

Hundreds are expected to flock to houses and gardens throughout the Black Isle to learn at first hand how to save energy and cash, and cut their carbon footprints.

Greening Homes and Gardens will be on Saturday 11th September from 10am to 4pm so get the date in your diaries now!

From small scale wind turbines and solar panels to growing food and composting, visitors can see a range of green energy measures in action and quiz their hosts on the details.

A fascinating array of local households will take part and a broad range of home energy specialists, installers and suppliers is lined up for the event 'hub' at Findon Hall in Culbokie.

The Energy Savings Trust, Julian Paren, a tutor in climate change at the University of Cambridge, and Ross-shire Waste Aware Network (RoWAN) will be among those sharing expert advice. Topics to be covered in a series of seminars throughout the day will be: funding available to help green your home, strategies for energy saving in the home and how to use your compost.

An extra attraction at Findon Hall this year will be the Conch Sound Studio - a travelling structure - part shell, part ark - tuning into the thoughts of communities on the brink of transformation.The Conch, which featured at the Expo throughout August

 Energy convener Martin Sherring said this year’s event was shaping up to be a real highlight for anyone interested in innovative ways of trimming energy bills.

“We couldn’t believe the response we had last year,” he added. “People loved being able to see for themselves what they could do in their homes.

“From hi tech equipment like heat pumps and home wind turbines, to natural waste recycling methods such as composting with worms, there’s something for everyone.

“Among the interesting new exhibitors are Solar Technology, who have installed a number of solar electric panels on the Black Isle, and Carbon Lite Design & Build, who are based in Ardross and specialise in ultra-high efficiency buildings from straw bales.

“And as last year, weather permitting, there will be free rides on the Beauly Firth in a solar-powered boat!”

The WhirligrowParticipants will be able to pick the brains of gardeners in Transition Black Isle's community garden at Netherton.  Advice and innovative techniques for  growing your own will be displayed by permaculture expert Iain Findlay, inventor of the Whirligrow, an outdoor salad and herb planter modelled on the structure of the DNA double helix .

Last year’s Greening Homes and Gardens was described by Energy Savings Trust staff as “an extremely well co-ordinated event” and flagged up nationally as an example of good practice.

The free event is backed by sponsorship from Invisible Heating Systems and funding from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund.

Click here for further information.

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.