12 May 2010

Cookery Demo with Marie FaulkeWAYS of using fresh, local produce to create delicious Eastern dishes were showcased at a unique cookery event.

Chef Marie Faulke demonstrated how to make a mouthwatering menu using poultry and vegetables produced locally. 

After appetites were whetted by the tantalising smells, the best part of the evening came when participants sat down to enjoy a hearty supper of the dishes demonstrated.

On the menu at North Kessock Village Hall was:

Saag Murgh - Chicken with Spinach - fresh from the Black Isle;
Potatoes with Chives and Green Chillies; and
Aromatic Spiced Pullao Rice
(click on dishes above to download relevant recipes)

"My first ever cookery demo and I will most definitely be back for seconds," said Michele Bain, one of around thirty people who attended.  "It was great to see how much tasty food can be produced locally, and then spiced up with a taste of Asia."

The cookery demonstration was part of Transition Black Isle's Highland Food Challenge which aims to highlight the benefits of eating fresh, local food. More details are available here.

Chillis can be grown in greenhouses or even on windowsills.  How about a Black Isle Chilli Challenge to see who can produce the best this summer?!  Anyone interested email us here.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.