And the dolphins came too! Successful launch of BIB

25 May 2014

The sun shone (initially) on the press launch of Black Isle Bicycles at Rosemarkie on Monday.  After coffee and cakes from the Beach Cafe, Julian Paren, Chairman of BIB, gave an outline of the aims and activities of Transition Black Isle and its Million Miles project, and introduced its new venture, Black Isle Bicycles, funded by the Coastal Communities Fund, to promote cycle tourism on the Black Isle by offering cycle hire (hybrid and electric), route directions and local information, and guiding and assistance if required.

Marion MacDonald, Project Officer for Million Miles, then introduced BIB's Enterprise Manager Giles Makins, and Destination Development Director Lizbeth Collie.  Giles emphasised that a special feature of BIB's service would be delivery of bikes to customers' accommodation, and invited anyone present without their own bike to try one from BIB's shiny new fleet; and Lizbeth outlined her role in developing route and information packs to enable customers to explore and enjoy the Black Isle's scenery and varied attractions.

Representatives of the RSPB, the Forestry Commission, Whale and Dolphin Conservation and VisitScotland expressed their support for the new venture, before most of those present set off by bike for Chanonry Point, where they were entertained by a wonderful display by a considerable number of dolphins swimming and leaping close inshore.  Eventually a heavy and prolonged shower hastened the return from the point, but could not dampen enthusiasm for the project or detract from the success of the launch.  Thanks are due to all those who have worked hard to get Black Isle Bicycles up and running.

Check out the Black Isle Bicycles website at


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.