No More Fossil Fuels

03 March 2025

The Stop Rosebank campaign has declared this to be  'No New Oil & Gas MP & MSP Action Week' (3-9 March), and is inviting everyone who is concerned about the critical effect on the climate crisis of continuing to extract and burn fossil fuels to contact their MSP(s) and MP.  Their suggested method is to arrange a personal meeting or attend a constituency surgery, or to contact by email or any appropriate means.  In all cases the message is to urge the MPs/MSPs to oppose any new UK oil and gas development, and in particular to press the UK government not to renew consent for the Rosebank oil field.

They say

This is it: we are on the brink of stopping new oil and gas drilling for good. If we create enough pressure, we could see the UK stop Rosebank and take the decisive leap of moving away from fossil fuels.

To make this happen, we need to make sure that every MP and MSP hears from their constituents that for a safe climate and affordable energy, we must stop Rosebank and stop all new oil & gas now.

More information and guidance here  and  here          Follow the links

Check your MSP's/MP's stance on new oil and gas

Kate Forbes                       Jamie Stone

Image: Extinction Rebellion Dundee


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.