JOB OPPORTUNITY - BI Repair Cafe Volunteer Co-ordinator

10 July 2024

Christian MacLean writes

We have been hoping to appoint someone to start later this summer, to help us develop our work and to help manage the growing amount of organisation (due to the popularity of the Repair Cafe). We're delighted that, thanks to initial support from Transition Black Isle, we're now able to recruit for the post. While it is initially for a year we'll be looking for funding to extend that. The post is home based and ideal for anyone who enjoys working with people, is self-motivated and is committed to different ways of working to address the climate crisis. 

That description fits so many of the Repair Cafe's fantastic volunteers-so please get in touch if you're interested, or mention it to anyone you know who might like this opportunity.

Job description  -  applications by 29 July


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.