Allotments visits and AGM 'a great success'

19 August 2012

Yesterday (Saturday 18 August) TBI directors and members came together to view the Rosemarkie and Cromarty allotments projects, review the months since we became a limited company and registered charity, and look forward to the year ahead.  meeting at Rosemarkie allotments, which were set up with assistance from TBI through the Climate Challenge Fund, we were impressed by the site  the set-up and the excellent crops, and met several enthusiastic plotholders.  It was great to see this initiative growing and achieving all it set out to do in only a couple of years.   We then moved on to Cromarty allotments which were established by the Cromarty Allotments and Gardens Society this spring on the site of two former tennis courts.  Tremendous enthusiasm and much hard work was in evidence here too. 

Then it was time for our business meeting, upstairs at the Old Brewery - a lovely and comfortable venue with the sun streaming in.   Julian Paren chaired the meeting with warmth and efficiency and Martin Sherring delivered an upbeat Treasurer's report that showed the group to be in sound shape.  The evening finished with an excellent meal and social time together.   Newsletter editor John Wood said, 'the whole event was hugely successful - the sun shone, the AGM was quickly and efficiently done in a fantastic setting, and Mairi and Bill provided wonderful food. I for one vote we repeat this next year!'

Julian Paren's Convenor's report is available on request

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.