Forres Friends of Woods and Fields

March 2024

News from Forres Friends . .

From: Forres Friends <>Sent: 18/03/2024 13:16:37Subject: Volunteer dates; Garden news; Cluny Hill

Hi friends ...

last weekend we had a fascinating wander with Heather revealing the wondrous world of lichens ... it's a science fiction world in miniature. I'm going to carry my hand lens around more often now. Thanks Heather! And we welcomed our MSP Ariane Burgess to plant an aspen at the woodland edge.

Plenty to do at this time of year. Volunteer dates coming up, 1000-1300 as usual, details below ... Weds 20th, Sat 23rd and Weds 27th March.

From the garden we've been enjoying fresh salads from the polytunnel, and the last of the tatties. Otherwise the new social hub buildings are going up fast; and we welcome Mike to the gardening team on a short term contract for a few weeks. The revised beds and paths are taking shape for the no-dig future, with cardboard mulch and a deep compost layer ... more of that to do. Plus seed sowing, planting out spinach seedlings, refreshing raised beds and watering.

Elsewhere, the gean (cherry) seeds are sprouting at the tree nursery and need pricking out, plus hazel nuts and acorns to check. We have a few potted trees still to plant; and tree tubes and stakes yet to check around the land.

On 20th we welcome Kelsey from Edinburgh Uni, developing her PhD around nature connection. And on 27th we'll be joined by a small special needs group from the Academy to plant the final few trees of the season.

On Saturday 30th there will be an extra shortish session on Cluny Hill 1000-1200, to finish off up there. Meet at 1000 at Nelsons Tower. Hopefully the Grant Park cafe will be open for a coffee or ice cream afterwards.

Phew! A few recent photos attached. Hope to see you soon ... Mick.

On behalf of Forres Friends of Woods and Fields.

Volunteer day details. We meet every Weds and every second Saturday at 1000 at the wooden bridge at the far end of Sanquhar Loch, or come straight to the garden, and we finish around 1300. Phone 07796 462613 if you can't find us. Bring work/waterproof clothes, work gloves, suitable footwear. And a flask or drink plus snack for tea break, usually around 1130. Please let us know about any medical issues that may be relevant.              
Instagram: #forresfriends


Forres Friends of Woods and Fields

​​February 2023

Morag Bramwell has drawn our attention to this interesting new environmental charity set up in Forres in 2020.  Its website says

Forres Friends of Woods and Fields is a local grassroots environmental charity based in the community of Forres, Moray in Scotland, aiming to restore our woodlands, support local food sustainability and aid the mental and physical well-being of the community.

The charity looks after the Kennel Wood on the ridge to the south of Sanquhar Loch; the adjacent Kennel Field where the horse stable is; and the Chapleton Fields up towards the old farmhouse. For more detail, see the map. Our land borders other well-established environmental organisations in the community of Forres, namely the Sanquhar pond group which cares for the Sanquhar Loch which is in turn largely owned by Moray Council, and the Forres Community Woodland trust, who are restoring the adjoining woodlands. These areas together form a vital and intriguing wildlife and recreational asset to the local town. 

In 2020, this land was acquired from the Altyre Estate and its stewardship was taken on by the charity. Our vision for this area is to restore and regenerate the local woodlands and to create a nature-based educational resource and recreational area for and within the community of Forres.

Forres Friends . .  website



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