SCCAN - (Transition Scotland)

*December 2024

SCCAN in funding crisis

In a recent email SCCAN says

We have to make it known to our members and supporters that due to lack of funding SCCAN will be going through some changes in the coming months.

At this stage we are not sure exactly what those changes will be or the subsequent impacts for SCCAN’s members;  however from the end of the year we will have significantly reduced staffing levels, activity output and support available.  We do, however, believe that our situation will be a temporary one.

We understand that many of you in the climate community, as well as many many other sectors, will be experiencing similar challenges due to the extreme lack of funding opportunities and the high competition for these resources. 

Frustratingly, we are finding that more and more of our time is being diverted to seeking funding and looking for other sources of income rather than doing the actual work that is our reason for being. 

Read SCCAN's full statement on the funding crisis

and don't forget to check out SCCAN's regular newsletters on the News tab.


Transition Scotland is our national "Hub" or umbrella body for all Scottish Transition groups.  It is now hosted by (SCCAN Scottish Communities Climate Action Network) and the Transitiion Scotland website is no longer maintained.

SCCAN offers support and assitance to new and long-established groups, and from time to time organises events where Transitioners from all over Scotland (and sometimes further afield) can get together and share experiences.



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