Easy No salt Sourdough

Added by Anne Thomas on 5 May 2019
Some sourdough recipes are extremely complicated and don't fit well into a busy routine. This is one we've developed which seems to work well. It makes a large loaf ready for breakfast which lasts us a couple of days. Most commercial bread is very salty, some more salty than crisps and salt contributes significantly to high blood pressure and heart disease. We've been cooking bread with no salt for years and it's really not necessary but visitors complain it's a bit bland. Sourdough is a way of making tasty bread without the salt.
Sour dough starter (made from flour, water and a culture of yeast and lactobacilli) You can either get some from a friend or start your own e.g. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2012/feb/20/how-to-start-sourdough-culture
I usually use half the jar then fill up again with more flour and water and mix up again. Keep in the fridge if you only want it occasionally or if the weather gets hot. Keep at room temperature if you use it every couple of days.
800g flour (you can use all wholemeal or a mixture of brown, white or try some spelt or beremeal etc)
450ml water
1 desert spoon olive, hemp oil or other fat
You don't need sugar or honey but can add half a teaspoon of honey if desired
If you have plenty of time mix it all up in a mixer with the dough hook for about 5 minutes or kneed for similar length of time. You can leave the mixture in the mixer all day as long as it is covered. Mix/ kneed again for 5 minutes. If it's a bit sticky add some more flour until it stops being sticky, then place in a large bread or cake tin. If you have an oven with a timer you can leave in the oven overnight, timed for 200C for 40 minutes ready to come on for breakfast. If you don't just leave in the oven and turn on when you first get up. If you want two smaller loaves then adjust the cooking time to about 35 minutes.


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