Added by Anne Thomas on 1 August 2018
Julian Paren's recipe. This is a recipe that our family enjoys taken from Sarah Browns Beans, Nuts and Lentils recipe book in the Sainsburys series Healthy Eating Cookbooks. We always exceed the Cheddar Cheese ration. It is a great way to use courgettes at this time o the year. And it can be served with ratatouille using more courgettes! Enjoy.


Cooked lentils are quite floury in texture and when mixed with oats and tomato puree, make a mixture that is thick enough to be used as an alternative to pastry. Lentils combine especially well with a creamy vegetable sauce such as the egg and courgette filling used here.

Preparation time 40 mins Cooking time 20-25 mins

Serves 4

4oz (125g) red lentils
1 tbsp (15ml) olive oil
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tbsp (15ml) tomato puree
2 oz (50g) oat flakes
1 tbsp (15ml) lemon juice
2 tsp (10ml) chopped mixed herbs (e.g. sage, thyme, marjoram)


8oz (250g) courgettes, diced
2 eggs, beaten
I tbsp (15ml) wholemeal our
2 fl oz (50ml) skimmed milk
salt and pepper
2oz (50g) Cheddar cheese, grated


This high protein dish is a good source of calcium, iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamins


1. Cook the lentils in twice their volume of water for about 10 minutes or until they are fairly soft. Beat well with a wooden spoon, then drain.

2. Heat the oil in a pan and gently fry the onion for 3-4 minutes or until soft. Add the garlic and fry for 2 minutes.

3. Remove from the heat and mix in the cooked lentils, tomato puree, oats, lemon juice and herbs. Season well. The mixture should be thick enough to hold together. If the lentils are a little wet, return the pan to the heat to dry out, or add a few more oat flakes.

4. Press the mixture around the sides and base of an 8 inch (20 cm) an dish.

5. For the filling, lightly steam the courgettes for 4 minutes or until tender.

6. Blend the eggs with the flour, then add the milk. Stir in the cooked courgettes and season well.

7. Spoon the filling into the flan case. Cover with grated cheese.

8. Bake in a preheated oven at Gas Mark 5, 375°F, 190°C for 20-25 minutes or until the filling has set. Serve hot.


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