Christmas Day without a turkey

Added by Anne Thomas on 1 December 2017
If youve family staying and want a dramatic looking meal which even a passionate meat eater will find satisfying try this Rose Elliott recipe.

Walnut Pate En Croute for 12
450 g ready made flaky or puff pastry or make your own
For the nutmeat pate
25g butter
1 large onion peeled and chopped
1 stick celery finely chopped
2 larges cloves garlic crushed
125g walnuts chopped
350g cashew nuts chopped
225g chestnut puree
125g cheddar cheese grated or finely chopped
2 eggs
2 tablespoons brandy
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
sea salt and black pepper
225g baby button mushrooms washed
beaten egg to glaze

First chop all nuts, cheese etc a food processor is great for this. Then melt butter in medium sized saucepan and fry onion and celery for 10 mins until soft but not brown.. Remove from heat and stir in the garlic, nuts, chesse, eggs, brandy, paprika, thyme and plenty of seasoning to taste.
To assemble and finish the pate set oven to 220c (gas mark 7) . Sprinkle a little flour on a pastry board and roll the pastry into a rectangle about 30 by 40cm. Put the pate in the centre of the pastry and place the mushrooms on top. Brush edges of pastry with a little cold water then fold over to encase the pate and mushrooms completely but not too tightly to allow pate to expand as it cooks. Place the pastry parcel, seam side down, on a baking sheet and decorate top with Christmassy pastry trimmings of your choice. Cut a few slits in top to allow steam to escape, brush with beaten egg then bake at top of oven for 30 mins. Then turn heat down to 190c for a further 25 to 30 mins. Serve with puree of sprouts and new potatoes. A mushroom sauce also goes well with it.


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