Curly Kale and Parsnip soup

Added by Peter Moffatt on 7 March 2017

This is not so much a recipe as a note about what I did after concluding that making soup was probably the only way to make Curly Kale palatable.

I used the complete heads of about six kale plants, about five small parsnips (all I had left in the garden, but not enough, as the parsnip taste didn't really come through), and two onions.

I cut up the kale, discarding the central stalks, and boiled it, and peeled and cut up and boiled the parsnips separately (probably no need for this). I also cooked the onions separately and made them up into a sauce with margarine, flour and milk (I hoped this might give a bit of creaminess to the result). I mixed it all together with salt, black pepper from the mill, two veggie oxo cubes, mixed herbs and I think some ground ginger and nutmeg, and simmered it for a long time (probably two hours).

I liquidised it, thinning a bit with milk. Ghastly khaki colour like most of my soups (the parsnip and apple was a notable exception), but a good kaley taste.

(Footnote: A friend enthused about Red Russian Kale, and I found some on the seed swap stall on potato day so will be trying that this year. I'm hoping it might even be possible to cook and eat it as a vegetable.)


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