Peppers stuffed with chanterelles and smoked salmon

Added by Anne Thomas on 24 July 2011
Its a bit early for home grown peppers yet but we did grow some good ones on windowsills last year and are hoping for a good crop later. Chanterelles are supposed to grow in birch woods in August but we found some at the edge of the path in Scots pine wood in July with not a birch tree in sight. They obviously hadn't read the book! They are the easiest wild mushrooms to recognise and the look alikes are also edible.

2 peppers each for a main or one for a starter.
For main filling (4 peppers)
1lb (450g) tomatoes or 1 can chopped tomatoes
1 large onion
2 cloves garlic
1 desert spoon oil (Ryefields Farm Shop sells local cold pressed rapeseed oil)
2tbs (30ml) tomato puree
1 tsp honey
4 oz (100g) chanterelles
2oz (50g) pine nuts or copped hazelnuts or flaked almonds
1tbs (15ml) oregano (grows well up here)
1tbs (15 ml) parsley
1oz (25g) local cheese
couple of chunks of smoked salmon per half pepper

Preparation time (depends how long you take to find the chanterelles but once you've picked everything it should take about 20 mins)
Cooking time 30 mins
1. Cut the peppers in half and remove the core and seeds. Place cut side down on a tray and turn oven on to 200C and bake for 15 mins
2. Meanwhile make sauce. If using fresh tomatoes leave in boiling water for 15-20 secs then transfer to cold water and peal. Roughly chop them. Chop herbs.
3. Wash and chop chanterelles.
3. Peal and chop onion and garlic. Heat oil, and stir fry onions and garlic gently until softened. Keep the lid on in between if you have a suitable one and save heat. Add the chanterelles and cook until soft. Add tomotoes and puree.
4. Turn peppers cut side up and fill with sauce. Add nuts, herbs and smoked salmon. Cover with sprinkling of cheese. Bake for 15-20 mins until peppers are thoroughly cooked and cheese is browning.
5. Serve with a mixed salad according to what you have in the garden and fresh bread. If there is spare sauce you can spread it on the bread.


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