Preserving demo recipes- Winter Squash Chutney with 'what's in the garden' herbs and spices

Added by Freya on 10 November 2010
Makes 6-10 jars, depending on size.

1.8kg of winter squash (for example butternut) peeled, deseeded and diced into small chunks (the size depends on your own taste and preference)

450g of roughly diced red onions

450g of sultanas or raisins

450g of cooking apples peeled, cored and cut into a similar size of dice as the squash

450g of light brown or Demerara sugar

600 ml of cider vinegar

A small spice bag made with local herbs of your choice (In Autumn I use around a teaspoon each of black peppercorns and coriander seed and a handful of fresh sage or coriander)

Begin by making sure that your jars are clean, unlabelled and ready to be sterilized, though bear in mind that including prep. time this recipe can take up to 4 hours. Don't be taken aback by the length of time though, as this is preserving at its easiest and is great for making on a lazy weekend.

Make your spice bag by lightly bruising the herbs (releasing the volatile oils) and placing these in the centre of a piece of cheecloth or muslin approx. the size of a side plate. Bring the edges together and tie a pice of string around them tightly to secure.

Place all of the ingredients and the spice bag together in a large preserving pan (or similar), bring slowly to the boil and simmer briskly for between 2 and 3 hours without allowing the bottom to burn. The chutney is ready when it is thick and glossy and if, when you draw a wooden spoon across the pan, you can see the bottom for a few seconds before the chutney covers it again.

Remove the chutney from the heat and allow to cool slightly before packing it into sterilized jars. A chopstick is useful for ensuring it is packed well down and that there are no air bubbles before sealing. Store in a cool dark place and allow to mellow for 1 or 2 months before use. Chutneys should be used within 2 years ideally.


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