TBI Summer Gathering

Transition Black Isle

23 August 2014, Starts: 15:30, Ends: 19:30

TBI's 2014 Summer Gathering took place last Saturday 23 August at Easter Balmungie near Rosemarkie, hosted by Anne Chance and family, who raise sheep and poultry on this superbly located farm.  A sharp shower at the start failed to dampen the spirits of the members who attended - perhaps a disappointingly small proportion of TBI's 130 members.

After a discussion about the sheep breeds raised on the farm and a look at the free range poultry, wellies were the order of the day for a walk around the farm, which runs down to the shore above Rosemarkie beach. 



After this Anne showed her visitors her egg packing and poultry handling facilities, explained the detailed record keeping and strict hygiene procedures required to comply with food standards regulation and inspections, and made clear the amount of hard work involved - particularly in the run-up to Christmas.


The company then moved to a mostly open air, straw-floored informal lecture theatre which had been set up under a barn roof, for a number of brief presentations on various aspects of TBI's activities.  Convenor Anne Thomas gave a general review of the past year's activities; Peter Elbourne described the progress of various aspects of the Million Miles project, including cycling promotion and training, lift sharing, fuel-efficient driver training and community mapping;
Lisbeth Collie and Giles Makins outlined with obvious enthusiasm the development of TBI's recently started cycle hire venture Black Isle Bicycles, emphasising its unique service in delivering bicycles to the customers - together with a full set of safety equipment and route information; and finally Martin Sherring gave a progress report on the Black Isle Community Wind Project - a joint venture between TBI and the Black Isle Partnership, which is working towards erecting up to three community-owned turbines to raise money for community projects - perhaps including home insulation and a Black Isle swimming pool.

At this stage hot drinks all round were a welcome counter to an unseasonably chilly evening, followed by an excellent 'pot luck' supper of local and home-made food - and wine.

Our thanks are due to Anne Chance and family for welcoming us  to this friendly and successful event.  In view of the relatively small attendance in relation to TBI's total membership, let's hope that some of the members who found themselves unable to attend resolve to come and swell the numbers at next year's event.

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Forthcoming Events…

Tuesday 2 July
19:00 H&I Hub Members' forum and Climate Festival preview
Thursday 4 July
18:30 Join the Zero Waste Food Challenge: Workshop 6 - COMPOSTING!
Saturday 6 July
15:00 Highland Palestine concert - Evanton Community Wood
Wednesday 10 July
NA      Climate Camp Scotland - Aberdeen
Saturday 13 July
NA      Cromarty Community Market
Saturday 20 July
NA      Culbokie Community Market
Saturday 27 July
10:00 North Kessock Community market
Saturday 10 August
NA      Black Isle Horticultural Society Summer Show 2024

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.