Integrating Trees Network - Woodland creation for biodiversity

24 February 2022, Starts: 19:00, Ends: 20:00

Woodland Creation for Biodiversity: What needs to be considered?
Discussing on the ground examples

Thursday  24 February  7.00 – 8.00        online

Come along and hear from Colin Edwards, Environment Policy Advisor, Scottish Forestry, on how to create woodland to meet your biodiversity objectives.

We will be looking at basic principles of site selection, key species to plant, integration of open habitat and creation of future habitat to maximise your biodiversity benefits. Hear and discuss with our land managers their practical experiences of creating, woodland for biodiversity. Our hosts for the night  Andrew Barbour, Mains of Fincastle, Pitlochry and Richard Lockett, Knockbain, Dingwall. We will also have a representative from The Woodland Trust. Come along to hear from our speakers and ask your questions.

Book your free place here.

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10:00 North Kessock Community market
Sunday 28 July
14:00 TBI open garden Martin and Penny Culbokie
Saturday 10 August
NA      Black Isle Horticultural Society Summer Show 2024
NA      Cromarty Community Market
Saturday 17 August
NA      Culbokie Community Market
Monday 19 August
NA      Festival of Politics 2024 - to 23 August
Saturday 24 August
10:00 North Kessock Community market
Wednesday 28 August
14:00 H&I Hub - Insight into Environmental Standards Scotland

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.