Shake up the System conference

21 September 2021, Starts: 14:00, Ends: 17:00

Shake up the System: How do we achieve meaningful change in society for a fair climate future

Together for a Fair Climate Future  Online Conference

21-22 September 2021   2.00 - 5.00       online

Shake up the System will be a virtual conference, exploring how behavioural, societal, and cultural changes can link to achieve meaningful systems change in the UK to address the climate crisis and develop a fairer society. The conference will bring together learning and experience from across sectors – identifying common barriers and enablers to help all actors move forward in their work.

Academics, activists, artists, communicators, community groups, companies, policy makers, regulators and others will share their insights and experiences of how change happens at these different levels, how social movements develop, and their ideas for the systems changes needed for a fair climate future. The conference will highlight major areas of focus for the UK in the lead up to the UN International Climate Conference COP26 in November 2021.

The virtual conference will take an interactive format and participants will be encouraged to share ideas and examples from their own work and collaborate with other participants from across sectors to problem solve and work together to identify actions for enabling change.

The conference will take place over the course of two afternoons (14:00 – 17:00 BST) on 21 – 22 September 2021. Participants are strongly encouraged to join for both sessions, as presentations, workshops, and activities will build on each other, culminating in learnings, actions, and commitments for the future at the end of day two.

Register to attend the conference below. You will receive an email in due course asking you to sign up for the breakout group topics that most interest you for the conference. 

Register here

This conference is part of  Sustainability First's  Together for a Fair Climate Future project, focusing on how action for the climate crisis and social justice can come together and how to recover from the pandemic in a way that’s fair and positive for the environment.  This work is being funded by the National Grid, as a Principal Partner for COP26. 



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10:00 North Kessock Community market
Sunday 28 July
14:00 TBI open garden Martin and Penny Culbokie
Saturday 10 August
NA      Black Isle Horticultural Society Summer Show 2024
NA      Cromarty Community Market
Saturday 17 August
NA      Culbokie Community Market
Monday 19 August
NA      Festival of Politics 2024 - to 23 August
Saturday 24 August
10:00 North Kessock Community market
Wednesday 28 August
14:00 H&I Hub - Insight into Environmental Standards Scotland

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.