TBI AGM and Halloween social Fortrose 6.30

30 October 2015, Starts: 18:30

Dolphin Room, Fortrose Leisure Centre - meeting 6.30, supper and social 7.00

Bring local food to share and bring a friend - all welcome.

See the posterNotice of Meeting, Agenda, Minutes of last year's AGM, 14-15 Accounts.

A note from  Martin Sherring, TBI Convenor

This year’s AGM will be held at the Dolphin Room in the Fortrose Leisure Centre, on Friday 30th October at 6.30pm, and will be followed by a “pot-luck” supper and social.  A formal notice of the AGM is attached. In addition to the normal business of re-electing directors and receiving the convenor’s report and annual accounts, there are two additional items to be considered. The first relates to a requirement in the Articles of Association that any office-bearer (convenor, treasurer, etc.) must stand down after two years in post – the intention being to avoid the organisation becoming too dependent on one or two members. In practice we have found this gives problems, particularly with the treasurer’s post, where there is a fair amount to understand, and the learning time takes up quite a lot of the two years! We are therefore proposing that the maximum period in post should be extended to three years. The second item is to consider the annual membership subscription. The Articles specify this should be £10, but we accept reduced levels of subscription from pensioners and the unwaged, and we would like to formalise that by agreement of the members.

More details of these items will follow with the accounts.

If anyone wishes to appoint a proxy for the AGM, please let me know and I will provide a form.Best wishes, and I hope to meet lots of you on the 30th – in addition to the event being important to the running of the organisation, the supper and social is always a highlight of our year – it’s great to have time to chat with a bunch of positive people!

Martin Sherring
Company Secretary and Convenor

Event report



It would have been good to see a bigger turnout, but about twenty people helped to ensure a business-like AGM and then enjoyed the evening of home-made food and conversation which followed.



Convenor Martin Sherring took us efficiently through the business of the meeting.  Julie Gibson, recently elected as Treasurer, reported on the satisfactory state of TBI's accounts, which were available in full at the meeting, and Martin followed with an illustrated report of the year's activities.  Brief discussion and voting followed on the two resolutions before the meeting - one to change the conditions under which office-holders hold their offices, and one to confirm the amounts of standard and concession membership subscriptions - both of which were carried unanimously.  The Directors standing for re-election (all the previous directors except Agric, who resigned earlier in the year, and Maggie Dove and John Wood, who stood down at the meeting) were re-elected, and the meeting ended with an appeal by Maggie for volunteers for the informal posts of local TBI representatives, which it is proposed to establish to help both new and existing members keep fully in touch with TBI events and activities.

With duty done and the business completed only ten minutes behind the very tight schedule, we could turn to the pleasant business of the evening - supper and conversation.  There was, as usual, a wonderful spread of home-made, mostly vegetarian, food, and although the Halloween theme was represented only by Wendy's witch's hat and an unlit pumpkin lantern on the buffet table, a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all present.


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