Grandma's chocolate fruit slices

Added by Lesley Robb on 24 March 2019

Grandmas chocolate fruit slicesadapted by Mary Paren..(and a bit more by Julie G)


150-200g (100g) dark cooking chocolate melt carefully

100g (or less) dark brown Muscovado (or soft brown) sugar

*100g dried fruit (raisins, sultanas, dates etc of your choice)

*50g seeds

100g dessicated coconut (or 100g ground almonds if you dont like coconut)

3-4 eggs (I use 2 and a small 20x20 square tray) depending on size of tray and the thickness you want

*Fruit and seeds can be anything you have to hand/ what your preferences are.


Line tray with baking paper. Mix all the above (except chocolate) and pour into lined tray.

Cook in oven at about 190 C for about 20 minutes. Watch out for burnt edges.

Once out of the oven, pour melted chocolate over the cooked mixture, spread out to the edges.

Let this cool down. Once cool and chocolate beginning to harden up again, lift the cooling mix out of the tray and carefully cut into pieces with sharp knife. Dont separate them completely yet, but put cut mix back onto tray and cool further in fridge.

Once chocolate has completely hardened, take out of fridge, put choc side face down and take off baking paper from the back, separate pieces and place in airtight container. Probably best kept in fridge.







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